Strategy, tactics, and day-to-day operations
Strategy, tactics, and day-to-day operations are three key concepts that are closely interrelated and play an essential role in the success of any organisation. Here is how they play together: Strategy is about setting overall goals and directions for the organisation in the long term. It involves identifying opportunities and threats in the market, defining […]
Love doing strategic work
I have been doing strategical work the most of my carrier because IT (Information Technology) projects are mainly strategic for organizations in today’s digital age because IT is crucial in driving innovation, improving efficiency, enhancing customer experiences, and gaining competitive advantage. In more detail, I see IT projects are considered strategic because: Many IT projects […]
Building a high-performance team
One time, while I was working at a central Danish bank, I had the unique opportunity to lead an Indian IT team. It was a fascinating experience but also a challenging one. You see, Indian IT developers are often accustomed to following specific instructions to the letter. But this project was massive—too complex for me […]