Strategy, tactics, and day-to-day operations

Strategy, tactics, and day-to-day operations are three key concepts that are closely interrelated and play an essential role in the success of any organisation. Here is how they play together: Strategy is about setting overall goals and directions for the organisation in the long term. It involves identifying opportunities and threats in the market, defining […]

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Love doing strategic work

I have been doing strategical work the most of my carrier because IT (Information Technology) projects are mainly strategic for organizations in today’s digital age because IT is crucial in driving innovation, improving efficiency, enhancing customer experiences, and gaining competitive advantage.  In more detail, I see IT projects are considered strategic because:  Many IT projects […]

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Building a high-performance team

One time, while I was working at a central Danish bank, I had the unique opportunity to lead an Indian IT team. It was a fascinating experience but also a challenging one. You see, Indian IT developers are often accustomed to following specific instructions to the letter. But this project was massive—too complex for me […]

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Why should project managers not mess with politics?

From my experience, project managers should avoid organizational politics for several key reasons. First and foremost, our role requires neutrality. When leading a project, any hint of bias or favouritism can quickly undermine team trust and collaboration. Staying neutral ensures I’m seen as fair and focused on the project’s success, not on gaining personal advantage […]

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Mission, vision and the way forward

Mission, vision and strategy are three fundamental elements of any organization’s strategic planning and management. Although each serves different purposes, they work together to give direction, purpose, and structure to the organization’s activities and decisions. Let us take a closer look at how the three elements interact:Mission:The mission statement describes the organization’s core purpose, what […]

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Project management of AI projects

In the spring of 2023, I had the opportunity to participate in a Master Class on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the derived ethical and legal challenges organized by the University of Copenhagen and Copenhagen Fintech. Since then, I have reflected on the consequences AI will have for us project managers when we lead AI projects. […]

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What are non-functional requirements?

Introduction In this guide, you will find examples, definitions and a complete overview of how to work with non-functional requirements in designing and building IT systems. What are non-functional requirements? Non-functional requirements (NFRs) are the constraints imposed on a system that defines its quality attributes. They are usually adjectives such as security, performance, and scalability. […]

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Distance management for IT project managers with a virtual project.

This blog contains tips and tricks for project managers who will have to manage virtual projects.Relationship with the team is essential, but you must also understand the individual team members, their communication style, and how they manage and act about their daily routines so that you, as a project manager, can integrate as effectively as […]

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Gemba – a way to solve problems

A way to optimise business and solve problems is to do a Gemba Walk and believe me, this is not a new dance, even if it sounds so. According to Wikipedia, Genba is a Japanese term meaning “the actual place”. Japanese detectives call the crime scene Genba, and Japanese TV reporters may refer to themselves […]

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Internet of things (IOT) – Still Waiting for the Breakthrough

For almost a year now, I have worked with the implementation of an IoT platform, which is going to help The Danish Environmental Protection Agency with collecting information about the climate. The climate is changing and to follow the development, it is necessary to measure the changes and the causes to build models, which can […]

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