Sometimes when meeting people either social or in a business context I am asked about my profession? Normally I tell them, that I am an IT-project manager. Sometimes the conversation stops here, but in most cases, they want to know what project I am working on and how.
First, I try to explain what an IT project is about, telling that it is a unique gathering of different IT and business tasks of different sizes that need to be broken down and carried out by different kinds of competencies in an organisation – could be private as well as public. Then I explain the difference between a task and a project. Where the characteristics of a project are:
- A project cannot be executed within the existing organisation because it is cross-functional and includes other competencies than IT knowledge.
- A project is limited in time, resources and scope – in other words, we are working with a deadline, fixed budget and a clear vision of our goals.
- A project demands a temporary organisation because many participants are working on different tasks simultaneously.
Second, I try to explain that my IT projects differ from other projects because they include a lot of technology interacting with people and in many cases can be a bit unpredictable because of fast shifts in technology and the changing world we are living in. A world where business and compliance demand changes continually. Not that this should be considered as an excuse but more as challenged.
But in every case, experience helps. I have worked on large projects for several years and learned to make my reservations and minimise my project risks.
So, if your company intent to execute a large complex IT project, my advice is to hire an experienced project manager to lead it.